Monday, 11 January 2016

The Boyfriend!

Haha, I've been anticipating this blog post, prepare for some ultimate cheese with a side of cringe. As part of my new weekly series 'The 52 week Gratitude challenge' I will be sharing with you some of the things I am grateful for, as I travel on my journey to self-improvement.
This week it is 'spouse/significant other', I told my boyfriend I'd have to lie my way through this. I was joking of course (no girlfriend points there).

My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship since the 15th June 2012 (it's been long haha), so when we first got together we were only 15, it was my first real relationship and I was anxious, nervous, excited, but then more nervous. I find the story of how we got together quite humorous, and it's something I am grateful for, because it makes me laugh when I think back to it.

We went to the same school, but he was in the year above, so we didn't know each other, and one random day on a field (exciting times) my friends and I saw him with his friends. A year later, Billy inboxes me on Facebook and by this point I am dying (with happiness), but I see he's tagged on Facebook with all his mates. I ignore him because I think it's a joke lmao, then a few days later he pops up again. The funniest thing ever, is when he asked me where I go to get drunk, and my brilliant reply is "on a field, or a random place like that" LOL WHAT, and his response is "a pub", DO YOU SEE MY EMBARRASSMENT? (don't drink underage kids). Then shortly after, Billy's cousin told my mate (confused yet?) that we should meet up and stuff. Some months passed and my mate (his name is Tomo, sorry for giving him zero recognition), phoned me up saying Billy, his cousin and their mate wanted to meet me and my mates (Lissy and Megan). I literally screamed with happiness, ran all the way home, slapped a full face of makeup on, got into my Jessie-J top, red shorts, and piled my hair on top of my head (I thought I looked gorg, no honestly I did, my friends and I had the most cringe worthy photoshoot just before, gun fingers and lot). We ran to the spot we were supposed to meet them, it was pouring down with rain, so we hid under some trees (such nature exhibitionists), and we waited and waited. No sign of them. They eventually turned up hours later, and told us they had to go again. Safe to say I wasn't impressed, but the awkwardness was unreal, it was pure silence. They walked off, and my smart thinking self, decided to run after them (guys I was 15 leave me alone), Lissy and I shouted "our mate thinks Lewis is fit" (just so they'd stop and talk to us), we walked with them (plan succeeded). All's well, then Billy's cousin offers me his jacket (erm, in a movie it should be Billy doing this), I ended up wearing Billy's pink (he argues it was red) jacket, and I was beaming from ear to ear.

A month passed and our friendship groups met up all the time, basically, I would force my friends to sit and watch them play football all day (I was a terrible friend, sorry). Billy and I were so completely nervous and barely talked (it was our first relationship give us some slack), and a month after he asked me out. But let me tell you, it wasn't anything romantic, HELL NO. Basically, a group of his friends were like "ask her out then!!" they were literally crowded around us, so he walked over right shy and asked me, and that was that.

We've been going out ever since. 

So basically, I've just shared an embarrasing story on the internet and said I'm grateful for it? I'm grateful to be able to laugh at our relationship? Haha, let me say something a bit more positive.

I'm grateful that I have someone in my life who I can always count on, and who is always there for me. I tell him every little thing, I honestly will share everything right down to the little details. If it wasn't for him, I honestly don't know where I'd be right now, I'd be lost without him. We argue constantly like an old married couple, but at the end of the day he's my best mate and I love him! I'm totally grateful to have him as a best friend, it's all I've ever wanted in life, and thus I can never be truly lonely.

I'm grateful that I can love someone as much as I do, and I want to express my love more and more to truly find happiness in my life and be content. I am grateful that he can make me laugh, with every little thing that comes out of his mouth, even when they're clearly not funny, it just makes me laugh. Which actually can be a bad thing, as this means I can NEVER stay mad at him. It's annoying when I'm sat there trying to be in a mood with him, and he just says something or pulls a face and I laugh, and then he takes that as I'm happy again and can't be angry at him! (sooo not how it works!!!)

We're deffo two peas in a pod, and are total weirdo's. We're too comfortable with each other, is that a thing? I'm grateful that I have someone to sit down with every weekend and watch my fave TV shows. I make him watch all my faves (he never has any choice), but in the end, he's just as obsessed as me! I'm grateful that he buys me food, eating is my no.1 hobby!

I could write a lot more, but I don't want to be extra cringe! I'm just grateful for Billy!

Let me know in the comments below what you're grateful for this week! And if you're doing this challenge about your significant other, leave them in the comments below, I'd love to check them out! XOXO B.



  1. this post is so cute:-) xxx

  2. Aww, this is such an adorable post! I can't believe how special it is that you're with your school boyfriend. x

  3. So much cuteness in one post! I loved this, Becky. I just can imagine you few years younger going after that boy, haha. It's nice to have someone who you know will have yourback no matter what :)

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

  4. Aww haha you guys seem so cute :) very happy for you! x

  5. That's such a cute and funny story! Just thinking about my early teenage years makes me cringe haha. It sounds like you got a great relationship, that makes me really happy! xx

    1. Awww thank you hahaha!! And I know I cringe so bad lol xxxxx

  6. Sounds like you two are great together and make a gorgeous couple! I loved the "romantic" start, definitely something that would've happened when I was 15 haha. Glad to see you're going strong <3

    Hannah xx

  7. This is lovely and also hilarious! I've had weird starts to relationships too (mainly young and cringey also) but none of those ones amounted to anything, sounds like you found a good one nice and early :D xx

    Moany Mouse | Scottish Lifestyle Blog

  8. Aw, this is so cute! I love how he had to be peer pressured into asking you out, I think that's adorable! He must have been so nervous!

    1. thank you!! And he was extremely nervous hahaha xxxxx

  9. HA! This is too cute! You're both very lucky to have each other :) I only had one awkward relationship when I was like 14 and since then I've been a strong independent woman, haha! But it's always nice to hear about two people who genuinely care about each other and their awkward love stories <3 ;)

    Jasmine | The Sixth Disney Princess

    1. Awwwww thank you so much!! And strong independent woman I love it lol!! Xxxxx

  10. Flash backs to high school cringe days! Lovely post I love your blog xx

  11. Aw this was so adorable and amusing to read. It's always nice to hear people are still together who got together at school, because it seem's like these days relationships always fizzle out haha. My boyfriend and I also got together when I was 15 and he was 16 whilst we were in Year 11 at school. Now I'm 18 nearly 19 and he's 19. I can relate in the way that he is like my best friend, as well as my boyfriend. We were way too comfortable with each other too, so it definitely is a thing haha. I force him to watch all my favourite TV shows too, we're currently watching Vampire Diaries! All the best to you both:)xx

    1. Awww thank you for the lovely comment! That's so cute wish you all the best!! And lol where deffo too comfortable haha. My boyfriend and I LOVE the vampire diaries!! Xxxxxx

  12. What a sweet, lovely post!


  13. Aww thats such a lovely post, he sounds like a great and fun guy :)

    x LS


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